Sunday, July 12, 2009

Amazing Lemons!

We all know that lemons make great lemonade, but did you know there are numerous other uses for them? Try these ideas the next time you have any extra lemons!

1. Remove ink spots from clothing. While ink is still wet, apply lemon juice liberally to the spot. Wash the garment in normal cycle with regular laundry detergent in cold water.

2. Get rid of dandruff. Shampoo hair, then rinse with water. Mix two tablespoons of lemon juice and 2 cups of water; pour through hair. Repeat every other day until dandruff disappears.

3. Deodorize a cutting board. Wash with lemon juice to rid a cutting board of the smell of garlic, onions, or fish.

4. Remove berry stains from hands. Rinse hands in the juice of fresh lemons.

5. Remove rust and mineral discolorations on cotton clothing. Use one cup of lemon juice in the washer.

6. Clean your microwave. Add 4 tablespoons of lemon juice to one cup water in a microwave-safe four cup bowl. Boil for five minutes in the microwave, allowing the steam to condense on the inside walls of the over. Then wipe clean.

7. Relieve a cough. Mix 4 tablespoons of lemon juice, one cup honey, and 1/2 cup olive oil. Heat 5 minutes then stir vigorously. Take one teaspoon every 2 hours.

8. Help soothe poison ivy. Applying lemon juice over the affected areas should soothe itching and alleviate the rash.

9. Train a dog to stop barking. Squirt a little lemon juice in the dog’s mouth and say “Quiet.”

10. Relieve rough hands or sore feet. Apply lemon juice, rinse, then massage with olive oil. Put on socks so you won’t slip on the floor.

11. Clean brass, copper, and stainless steel sinks. Make a paste with lemon juice and salt, scrub gently, then rinse well with water


Anonymous said...

I just don't know how you come up with your ideas or remedies. But they are juat great. Love to read you site(sisKLW)

Amanda said...

Thank you (sisKLW).
I'm glad you enjoy my site.
