Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Scheduling Time To Work On Scheduling

Good morning.

Well, today is the first day we are back to our schedule. I had to have a definite set schedule during baseball season in order for us to get everything done on time. We were spending several hours a day at the ball park. I will post our schedule for you to take a look at. I have had to adjust a bit. The time that we were at practice or games is now our free time. We normally take that time to ride bikes, play board games, or catch up on a recorded I Love Lucy show. Sometimes I use this time to schedule our school projects or lesson plans for the next week. I am still babysitting Parker and I got a call from a neighbor last night asking if I'd start babysitting their future arrival. I enjoy Parker very much. He is a great kid when he is here. Although he isn't our child, we still have a lot of freedom while keeping him. I grew up with him mother and Jeff worked with his dad. We carry him anywhere we go and I train him just like I do my own. However, with this perspective couple, I'm not sure if they are expecting a daycare setting or a home sitter. I guess I have to figure all of that out when time comes. I am fortunate to be able to provide somewhat of an extra income for our family without ever having to leave my home. Jeff has agreed to allow me to take on another child. He actually said that I could take on two. In Jeff's mind, I am SUPER WOMAN. However, I know my limits and I don't want to take on more that I can handle. I still have to have my time with CJ and Nick in order to get their school work in each day. On the other hand, I do have Parker on a set schedule and if I could get the perspective baby on the same schedule, I would still have free time to spend on school. Thanks for listening (actually reading) while I figure out my schedule.

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