Monday, May 4, 2009

Following the Law of Yahweh-What Does It Mean To Me?

What does following the Law of Yahweh mean to wives/mothers?

We have a great challenge not only to follow Yahweh's law, but also to help guide our family. Don't get me wrong. It is your husband's responsibility to lead. I am speaking more along the lines of the daily time you spend with your children. If you are like me, you have more time with the children than your husband does. Since my family is new to the law, we have had to transform our whole way of life. Our Creator knows what is best for us so we are better off following his instructions for our lives. However, it has challenged me to come up with new meal ideas while spending the same amount of money or less. Our wardrobe had to change. We are instructed to only wear clothing without mixed fibers. We learned to to make tassels or fringes for our four corners. I am responsible for making sure all unclean foods and products stay out of our home. I have to educate our children in daily life as to how to do the research on products in order to know what has clean or unclean ingredients. I also have to make sure to set an example for my daughter when it comes to preparing for Sabbath, making clothing, preparing meals, submitting to my husband. These are important responsibilities for a mother/wife. I have to be on my face before Yahweh everyday bombarding the Throne for help with my responsibilities. I have to pray for my husband's walk, my children's future, their future spouses, my unsaved loved ones, my brothers and sisters that are struggling with issues. I have to show kindness ever when it don't think it is deserved. I have to be hospitable even with it isn't convenient. I have to encourage even when I need encouragement.

I have a daughter in training and I want this to be a way of life for her. I don't want her to struggle with obedience, meal ideas, clothing options, or submission issues. I need to be her example. I, as well as my children, learn lessons better by seeing than by hearing.


1 comment:

Rose said...

Beautiful post.

May YHVH bless you as you strive to follow in His Ways!
