Home is a heavenly word, or it should be. A home is a place of refuge, and should be the most heavenly place on earth. Each one, no doubt, has an ideal of what home should be. With some it might be a fine house and furniture, abundant food and the luxuries of life; but these things do not make the true, happy home. “Better is a dinner of herbs” – we all know the rest.
When all the homes are well-founded and wisely managed, the government will have little to fear. Take care of the home, and the nation will take care of itself.
Too many women think good housekeeping is good homemaking, yet a well-kept house may not mean a pure dwelling place for the soul. We may be judged by outward appearance by many as we pass along in life; but in the end the final judgement – of higher power than the earthly – will be of the good use and cleanliness of mind and soul. I like an immaculate house, but only so far as it is a sign of an immaculate soul. I believe in beautiful homes, but first of all I believe in being clean within, and radiating that cleanliness in good companionship. A house cannot be a home without the proper spirit of companionship and helpfulness.
Mothers have a God-given duty of creating a noble atmosphere. The home should contain peace and rest and comfort; it should help the man of the field to enjoy everything from the earth to the sky. The country teems with interesting things far beyond the marvels of man.
Home may be the smallest of dwellings, with a tiny patch of earth, but if it is a place where the soul is at peace with its Maker it is home. Just the meeting of two people may mean the creating of the home-spirit – which is good for the progress of the world. Keep picked up and cleaned up and bright and shining in the furnishing of the home, by all means; but remember there are higher things than money and mansions.
There is a nobility of heart which observes the Golden Rule in all things. Others may write of the inside or outside of the material part of the house – but the real home is where the true home-spirit abides. There is a subtle “something” that far outweighs the material in homemaking. The true home-spirit will keep the boy and girl so interested that they will love and stick to their home in spite of all outside attractions or allurements, for this spirit will beautify all the surroundings to be in accord with the beauty of mind and heart. The spirit to “do or die” trying to carry out unselfish ideals has made our country home a haven to which the dear ones flock. While it is well-kept within and without, it is the mother-spirit of helpfulness which draws the family together in happiness.
Written by C. June Sheppard
The American Woman Magazine
March 1922
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