Sunday, May 20, 2007

My Heavenly Song

My Heavenly Song


Today, as I was preparing for lunch, the sounds of angels rang through the air. I heard children squealing, sounds of laughter, the crackle of the big wheel on the gravel, and the pop of the jump rope each time it came down to sweep underneath my children’s feet. In the background, I heard the beautiful song of the wind chimes as they blew in the wind. At that moment, I felt such a sense peace and satisfaction. Who would have ever known that such a young, unwed mother seeking the love and security from the arms of a protector would have ended up as blessed and cherished as I am today? With the love and protective covering of my Lord and my beloved, I sometimes wonder what I did to deserve such abundant blessings. I finally realized that it wasn’t anything I did or didn’t do. It was something that my Heavenly Father did. He washed me in the Blood of the Lamb. He saved me from eternal hell and blessed my life abundantly. I love the Lord and His blessings shine in my life daily.




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